Nudie Jeans

Home Country: Sweden
“Great fitting jeans with free repairs”
Designed to last a lifetime, Nudie Jeans specializes in high quality, everyday jeans for men and women, made with 100% organic cotton. They also produce shirts, jackets, and sweaters for casual wear. Nudie Jeans annually reports on their sustainability, social, and brand performance.

Nudie Jeans

Nudie Jeans Mens
Eco-Stylist Gold
Home Country: Sweden
“Great fitting jeans with free repairs”
Designed to last a lifetime, Nudie Jeans specializes in high quality, everyday jeans for men and women, made with 100% organic cotton. They also produce shirts, jackets, and sweaters for casual wear. Nudie Jeans annually reports on their sustainability, social, and brand performance.


Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • Nudie Jeans discloses their entire supplier list with details about each supplier.
  • When buying a specific product, consumers can see exactly which facility produced it and how many employees work there.
  • They have full transparency of 69% of suppliers in their chain.
  • Nudie Jeans is also a member of the Fair Wear Foundation which promotes human and labor rights.

Fair Labor

Two Leaves Earned
Rated: Good

  • Nudie Jeans has a supplier Code of Conduct based on the standards created by the International Labor Organization , the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights , and includes Fair Wear Foundation’s Code of Labor Practice. 
  • Nudie Jeans pays living wages across much of their supply chain, with plans to expand.
  • Nudie Jeans audits its first-tier suppliers at least every 2-3 years, and completes an annual audit company-wide every year.
  • Nudie Jeans is working on more worker well-being programs including sanitation in the workplace, access to water in the workplace, accessibility to education, and heightened communication between workers and Nudie Jeans.

  • Nudie Jeans can improve their Fair Labor performance by promoting programs to build trade union capacity in their partner factories.

Sustainably Made

Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • Nudie Jeans is one of the few companies on our website to measure and disclose their CO2 emissions and water usage.
  • Nudie Jeans uses the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substance List to avoid hazardous chemicals.
  • Nudie Jeans uses different water saving techniques for their denim, and in 2023 28% of denim produced was made with these techniques. They use ozone washes, laser technology, sandpaper drums, and synthetic stones.
  • In areas that are at high risk of low water geographically, Nudie Jeans suppliers have treatment plants that use reverse osmosis to create a closed loop water system. 
  • Nudie Jeans accepts an old pair of jeans while offering a 20% discount on a new pair. They wash, re-condition, and repair the old pair, and sell them on their re-use page.
  • Nudie Jeans has a free repair service that can be used as many times as wanted by customers.
  • The brand also ships their products using recycled plastic packaging.

Dress like you give a damn:

Last Updated: 10/04/24.