ETRE Organic Underwear

Home Country: Hungary
“Organic plant based underwear”
ETRE Organic Underwear is an undergarment company specializing in both men’s and women’s underwear made with sustainable materials. Founder, Erzsébet Toth, sought out to build a unique brand after more than 20 years of expertise in the field of underwear manufacturing. As a result, ETRE was founded to manufacture healthy, eco-friendly products.

ETRE Organic Underwear

ETRE Organic Underwear Sustainability at Eco-Stylist
Eco-Stylist Certified
Home Country: Hungary
“Organic plant based underwear”
ETRE Organic Underwear is an undergarment company specializing in both men’s and women’s underwear made with sustainable materials. Founder, Erzsébet Toth, sought out to build a unique brand after more than 20 years of expertise in the field of underwear manufacturing. As a result, ETRE was founded to manufacture healthy, eco-friendly products.


Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • ETRE owns their final production factory in Hungary and they share information about it on their website.
  • The brand discloses information about manufacturing facilities prior to the final production stage.
  • The company addresses risks related to subcontracting, as stated in their Code of Conduct.

Fair Labor

Two Leaves Earned
Rated: Good

  • ETRE has a public Code of Conduct on their website.
  • ETRE pays a living wage, on average 1.3 times the minimum wage in Hungary.
  • The company is taking steps towards implementing worker well-being programs, such as transportation for their workers.

  • To improve their Fair Labor score, the brand can provide evidence that they re-invest in the community where their clothes are made.

Sustainably Made

Two Leaves Earned
Rated: Good

  • ETRE underwear is composed entirely of plant-based, environmentally beneficial materials.
  • The company reduces landfill waste by using sustainable packaging.
  • ETRE is a member of Canopy.

  • To improve their Sustainably Made score, the brand can measure their CO2 footprint and share their goals to further reduce it.

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Last Updated: 06/20/23.