Adelante Made-to-Order

Home Country: USA
“Quality shoes made by fairly paid craftspeople”
Adelante Made-to-Order uses business as a force for positive economic development; they are among the most progressive brands when it comes to commitment to living wages for their makers in Guatemala. Adelante handmakes, made to order, leather shoes for men and women with custom sizing options. This Boston, MA based brand offers classic shoe styles that are great for casual, business casual, and professional attire.

Adelante Made-to-Order

Adelante Shoe Co Sale
Eco-Stylist Gold
Home Country: USA
“Quality shoes made by fairly paid craftspeople”
Adelante Made-to-Order uses business as a force for positive economic development; they are among the most progressive brands when it comes to commitment to living wages for their makers in Guatemala. Adelante handmakes, made to order, leather shoes for men and women with custom sizing options. This Boston, MA based brand offers classic shoe styles that are great for casual, business casual, and professional attire.


Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • Adelante owns, operates, and monitors one factory, on a daily basis, in Pastores, Guatemala. All of their shoes are made in this factory.
  • They’re not only transparent about where the shoes are made, but also the wages and wellbeing of their employers through their yearly impact reports.
  • The makers sign the shoes they produce and are introduced through Adelante’s social media and impact reports.
  • Adelante’s leather supplier is from Lefarc Tannery which is certified as one of the most sustainable tanneries in the Americas.

Fair Labor

Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • Adelante pays their workers in Guatemala above a living wage. Their artisans make twice the local wage as well as receive benefits.
  • Adelante invest in worker wellbeing by measuring their workers quality of life year over year, and looking for how they can improve it through the “Living Well Line.”
  • Adelante is committed to paying good livable wages to their workers as a way to boost community well-being.

Sustainably Made

Three Leaves Earned
Rated: Excellent

  • Adelante focuses on becoming carbon neutral and ensuring that there is no contamination in any waterways or habitats by 2030. They also follow UN SDGs 12, 13, 14, and 15.
  • Lefarc tannery uses solar energy to help power their factories, which helps reduce their carbon emissions.
  • Lefarc tannery uses the Qualus system for water usage, which reduces water use by 50%.
  • Adelante uses vegetable tanned leather, a safer and less toxic alternative method to produce footwear.
  • Since shoes are made to order, there is less material waste. In the tannery itself, they reuse the collagen leftover in beauty products to help save materials.
  • All shoes are created to last forever, and can be fixed in the case they are damaged.
  • All of their packaging is plastic free, and is made with reused, recycled, repurposed and biodegrable materials.

Dress like you give a damn:

Last Updated: 10/05/24.